Novopress Servicing
Press Tools Australia is an authorised Novopress tool service and repair agent. We have a complete range of Novopress tool, jaw and sling spare parts in stock. Our staff are highly trained by Novopress and we have a very well equipped workshop to ensure service works are carried out in accordance with Novopress requirements with minimal down time of your tools. We service all Novopress Tools, Slings and Jaws as well as OEM units including Kempress and Milwaukie Press Tools. We can arrange pick up and return with quoting provided on receipt of product and a quick turnaround on approval of works required.

Novopress Tool Service
Novopress Tools are required to be serviced every 2 years or programmed service cycles which ever occurs first. Regular Servicing will ensure the tools are fit for purpose and compliant for use on compatible systems. Novopress Tooling has a service Sticker attached indicating service year and month requirement.

Novopress Jaws and Slings
Press Jaws and Slings are required to be serviced every 2 Years and are critical for correct tool operation and press conformance. Novopress Slings and Jaws have a service sticker attached indicating Year and Month the service is required.

Tool Battery Testing
Batteries are critical for correct tool performance and ensuring correct tool operation. Novopress Tools use Milwaukie M12 and M18 batteries and it is highly suggested to have the batteries tested when having your tool serviced to ensure they are in good condition.